The COVD Library Membership
The COVD Library Membership gives you access to the entire COVD Video Library*. The entire library is immediately available to you when you sign up, and new content is automatically added to your account as it becomes available. Maintain your membership and always have the most up-to-date COVD content and the massive archive library at your finger tips. Opt for the Premium tier and always have your COVD library on USB even if you cancel. Annually paid memberships include a 1st year new membership fee plus the annual membership maintenance fee. Every year after that is only the membership maintenance fee.
Basic$119 /mo
Premium$549 /yr
Standard$499 /yr
* The "COVD Library" is a collection of videos from COVD. Click here for exact information.
The "COVD Library" is a collection of videos from COVD. It includes the most recent general session plus the most up-to-date workshops. As part of the COVD Library Membership, you have access to the following is the list of workshops:
- NEW 2024 COVD conference
- COVD Conference featuring ABI, Strabismus, and Patient communication
- Speaking to Patients by Linda Sanet and Robert Nurisio
- Strabismus and Amblyopia by Angela Peddle and Leanna Dudley
- Acquired Brain Injury by Barry Tannen and Amy Chang
- COVD General Session - 30 videos
- COVD Conference featuring Vision Therapy 101 and Balancing Act with General Session
- Vision Therapy 101 with Jessica Stevenson, COVT, and James A. Smith COVT
- The Balancing Act: Neurology to Function, Diagnosis, Pathology, and Therapy by Jason Clopton, OD, FCOVD
- COVD General Education
- COVD 2021: Connected
- 49th Annual COVD Conference Videos
- Vision Therapy 301 by Tom Headline and Julie Petteruto
- Lenses, Prisms, and TBI by Robert Fox
- COVD Vision Therapists Track
- COVD General Education Track
- 48th Annual COVD Conference Videos
- COVD General Session: Training for the optometric practitioner
- Bridging Developmental Principles and Neurology of the Visual System for Better Patient Outcomes by Curtis Baxstrom, OD, and Jason Clopton, OD
- Vision and Learning with a Perceptual Emphasis by Lynn Hellerstein, OD and Nancy Torgerson, OD
- Insurance and Practice Growth
- Vision Therapist Education: Treating Stroke and Strabismus Patients
- How to Incorporate Vision Therapy into a General Practice and PLAN for Success by Wanda Vaughn, OD
- 47th COVD Conference Videos
- Optometric Management of Patients with Acquired Brain Injury and Concussion by Curtis Baxstrom, OD, FCOVD
- 47th COVD General Education Lectures
- Vision Therapy 101 by Maura Massucci and Tom Headline
- Vision and Learning: Visual Evaluation and Successful Vision Therapy Treatment by Lynn F. Hellerstein, OD and Nancy Torgerson, OD
- Practice Management by Richard Laudon, OD and Patrick Pirotte, OD
- Integrating Sensory and Motor in Vision Therapy through Reflex Foundations by Alexandar Andrich, OD and Patricia L. Andrich, COVT
- Therapeutic Use of Prism in Vision Therapy and Monocular, Bi-ocular, Binocular, and Yoked Prism Activity Workshop by Jennifer S. Simonson, OD and Cami Dowis COVT
- 46th COVD Conference Videos
- General Education Lectures
- Acquired Brain Injury by Allen Cohen and Neera Kapoor
- Strabismus and Amblyopia by Robert Sanet
- The Power of Lenses: Assessment and Treatment by Kellye Knueppel and Brenda Heinke Montecalvo
- Vision Therapy 201 by Robert Nurisio and Jessica Stevens
- Practice Management "Journey to Financial Independence" by Richard Laudon and Patrick Pirotte
- Vision Therapists Education Session: Vision Therapy Infused with Central/Peripheral Integration by Phil Bugaiski and Michelle Beatty
- Vision Therapy Education: Balance Boards by Derek Tong and Jules Petteruto
- 44th COVD Conference Videos
- 45th COVD General Education Session Videos
- Visual Information Acquisition by Robert Sanet
- Practice Management Workshop by Mark Wright, OD
- Vision Therapist Education Session by Brad Habermehl
- Visionary Team Approach Part 2 by Nancy Torgerson, OD
- 44th COVD Conference Videos
- 44th COVD General Session
- COVD Acquired Brain Injury By Cathy Stern, OD
- Vision Therapist Education Session by Carole Burns, OD and Jessica Stevens, COVT
- Visionary Team Approach Part 1 By Nancy Torgerson, OD
- 43rd COVD Conference Videos
- 43rd COVD General Education Lectures
- Strabismus and Amblyopia by David Cook
- Vision Therapy 101 By Tom Headline, COVT and Jennifer Mullen, COVT
- 42nd COVD Conference Videos
- 42nd COVD General Education Lectures
- COVD Visual Information Processing By Dr. Robert Sanet
- COVD Therapy Techniques By Dr. Maples and Dr. Peddle
- COVD Vision Development By Curtis Baxstrom, OD
- Practice Management Workshop By Dr. Wanda Vaughn
- COVD Vision Therapy Education with Dr. Phil Bugaiski and Donna Osborne
- 40th COVD Conference Videos
- 39th COVD Conference Videos
- 38th COVD Conference Videos
There are COVD videos that are not available and may never be made available as part of the COVD Library. These videos either are too old to be considered of added value to the library or there are updated versions that are available. However, all COVD videos going forward will be included in the above list.