Now on DigiVision - $199.00
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DigiVision media is a full experience presentation. It Plays in Your Computer on a USB or via online streaming and is User Friendly. You will see and hear the speaker and the slides at the same time. It allows you to Review the Slides at Your Pace by adjusting the play speed or advance based on slide number. You can also Save and Print the Slides. The most amazing feature is that you can Word Search the Entire Presentation, allowing you to find the information you need quickly. It Is Just Like Being At The Show!
FREE LECTURE: Free ACAM Lecture on Cancer by Thomas Seyfried:
- Effiicacy of Allogenic Stem Cell Transplants and Supportive Complementary Therapies to Enhance Their Success by Mitchell Ghen, DO, PhD
- Stem Cells for Immune Regeneration by Dipnarine Maharaj, MD
- Cryopreservation and Stem Cell Banking by Kampon Sriwatanakul, MD PhD
- Stem Cell Regulation: How to Practice Stem Cell Medicine and Stay Out of Trouble by Richard Jaffe, Esq
- The Magic of Fat: From Cosmetics to Therapeutics by Mark Berman, MD, FACS
- Panel Discussion by Dipnarine Maharaj, MD; Kampon Sriwatanakul, MD PhD; Richard Jaffe, Esq; and Mark Berman, MD, FACS
Order the Stem Cell Triad
Three great programs on stem cells and regenerative medicine. Bring your practice up to par with the latest regenerative medicine techniques and science. This set includes:
- The ARP Spring 2015 Conference - $199
- The Stem Cells and Cell Therapy Special Topic Set - $199
- The ACAM Stem Cells Workshop (available above) - $99
Order the Stem Cell Triad for $399 - $100 off