25th NORA General Session

Now on DigiVision - $199.00

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FREE LECTURE: Hospital In-Patient Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation by Marsha Benshir OD FNORA


  1. Bringing a Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Patient Back into "Syntony" by Stefan Collier OD FCSO
  2. A New Perspective of the Bi-modal Visual Process through Visual Evoked Potentials (VEP) & Using the VEP to Assess Bio-Markers of Tick Borne Disease by William V. Padula OD FNORA
  3. Functional Neurological Algorithms in the Management of Physiological Lesions by David Rosenthal DC FACFN
  4. The HANDLE Approach to Rehabilitation by Cathy Stingley BS
  5. Headache After Traumatic Brain Injury and Indirect Traumatic Optic Neuropathy by Eric Singman MD PhD
  6. Hospital In-Patient Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation by Marsha Benshir OD FNORA
  7. Epigenetics and Nutrition: What do the Eyes have to do with it? by Alex Andrich OD and Charles Shidlofsky OD

This session is part of a TWO part conference set:

  1. 25th NORA General Session - $199.00
  2. Advanced NOR Course "How and Why is the Application of Different Wavelengths of Light During Rehabilitation so Critical" by Stefan Collier - $249.00

All courses above on DigiVision - $449.00 SAVE BIG

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