Insulin Resistance and Diabetes Medical Lectures

Now on DigiVision - $249.00

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  1. New Treatments for Insulin Resistance and Diabetes by Pamela Smith, MD
  2. The Continuum of Pre-Diabetes: Guiding Early Detection and Treatment by George Rodgers, MD
  3. Anti-Aging Protocol for Reversing Heart Disease and Diabetes by Frederic J. Vagnini, MD, FACS
  4. Updates in the Treatment of Type II Diabetes and Also Pre-Diabetes by Edwin Lee, MD
  5. The Toxic Triangle: Diabesity - Glycation - Environmental Toxins by Frederic Vagnini, MD
  6. Diabetes: The Nutrigenomics Connection by Jeffrey Bland, PhD
  7. Environmental Diabesogens by Ted Schettler, MD, MPH
  8. Diagnosis and Reversal of Type 2 Diabetes by Jonathan V. Wright, MD
  9. Can Diabetes be Prevented with Vitamin D by John Cannell, MD
  10. The Naturopathic Treatment of Diabetes by Mona Morstein, ND
  11. A General Doctor's Experiences with a Low Fat Diet and Diabetes by John McDougall, MD
  12. Preventing Amputations and Repairing Diabetic Wounds by Ken Stoller, MD
  13. The Next Medical Tsunami: Dangers of Insulin Resistance by Edwin N. Lee, MD, FACE
  14. The Continuum of Insulin Resistance: From Impaired Glucose Tolerance to Diabetes Mellitus and Metabolic Syndrome by Filomena F. Trindade, MD
  15. Treating Metabolic Syndrome and Prevention of Diabetes by Edwin N. Lee, MD, FACE
  16. Diagnosis and Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes Before it Ever Happens by Jonathan Wright, MD

This session is part of a set that includes the following sessions:

  1. Growth Hormone
  2. Inflammation and Autoimmunity Medical Lectures
  3. Thyroid Hormone Medical Lectures
  4. Sexual Health For Men and Women Medical Lectures
  5. Food Sensitivities and Gut Health Medical Lectures
  6. Medical Weight Loss and Fitness
  7. Testosterone and Male Hormones Medical Lectures
  8. Insulin Resistance and Diabetes Medical Lectures
  9. Non-Toxic Cancer Treatments and Therapies
  10. Cardiovascular Health Medical Lectures
  11. Detoxification and Toxicity Medical Lectures
  12. Brain and Neuro Health Medical Lectures
  13. Estrogen and Female Hormones Medical Lectures
  14. Stem Cell and Cell Therapy Medical Lectures
  15. Nutrition and Supplementation Medical Lectures

All courses above on DigiVision - $999.00 SAVE BIG

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