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FREE LECTURE: Free AMMG Sample - The Etiology of Aging is Now Understood By Leonard Hayflick
- The Over and Mis-Diagnosis of Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar, and Mood Disorders and the True Issue Being Hormonal Decline by Jill E. Stocker, DO
- Sexual Security: Helping Your Patients Maintain Lifelong Passion and Performance by Kathryn Retzler, ND
- How Modern Medicine is Slowly Killing Women: Becoming Part of the Solution and Not the Problem by Angela DeRosa, DO, MBA, CPE
- Viagra Surprise: The Blockbuster Age Management Benefits of the PDE5 Inhibitors by Eugene Shippen, MD
- Integrative Medical Approach for Wellness and Vibrant Aging by Beatriz Rodriguez Olson, MD, FACP
- The Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone Link: Aging Men and Women by Benjamin S. Gonzalez, MD
- Exosomes vs. Stem Cells by George Shapiro, MD and William Kapp III, MD, MS, FAAOS
- Estrogen vs. No Estrogen by Neal Rouzier, MD and Rob Kominiarek, DO, FACOFP
- Utilizing Genomics, Wearable Data, and Technology to Create Data Driven Health by Daniel L. Stickler, MD
- Empowerment through Knowledge: New Insights into Utilizing Genetic Analysis to Optimize Living by Dennis A. Goodman, MB ChB, FACC, FACP, FCCP, ABIHM
- Genetics, Estrogen, and Precision Medicine: One Size Does Not Fit All by Rebecca Murray, APRN, FNP-BC, CDE
- Matching DNA with Interventions to Resolve Obesity and Increase Longevity by Elliot Dinetz, MD
- Natural Aromatase Inhibitors by Derrick DeSilva, Jr, MD
- Hormones and Fascia: Why Perimenopausal Women Ache and What To Do About It by Angeli Maun Akey, MD, FACP, ABIHM/ABOIM, ABAARM
- Treatments for Hyperthyroidism; rT3 and Hypothyroidism; TSH, Treat the Patient not the Lab Result by Jonathan V. Wright, MD, ND (hon)
- Enteroimmunology and Endocrinology: How Dysbiotic Gut Inflammation leads to Hormone Imbalances, and How Reversing Them is the Key to Resolving Chronic Illness by Dushyant Viswanathan, MD, ABIM, ABoIM, AACE
- The Link Between Insulin Resistance and Autoimmune Disease by Ritamarie Loscalzo, BA, MS, DC, DACBN, CCN
- Yoga Therapy for Age Management Medicine by Elaina Heather Viswanathan, RYT
- Functional Medicine Detoxification Protocols by Elliot Dinetz, MD, ABFM
- Reducing Toxic Load and Body Burden: Resetting the Microbiome with Botanical Medicine by Emily Poccia, BS, ND
- Dementia Demystified: A Functional Medicine Approach To Reversing Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia by Kat Toups, MD, DFAPA, IFMCP
- A Case Series of Patients Presenting for Functional Medicine Treatment of Cognitive Decline by Myrto Ashe, MD, MPH
- Volumetric MRI and Brain Imaging Assessments and Clinical Correlations with Dementia Mary by Beth Ackerley, MD, ABIHM
- The Aging Brain: Role of Nutrition and Lifestyle in Prevention and Management of Cognitive Decline by Aarti Batavia, MS, RDN, CLT, CFSP, IFMCP
- Presentation of the Alan P. Mintz, M.D. Award for Clinical Excellence in Age Management Medicine by
- Why Undergo Certification in Age Management Medicine by Derrick DeSilva, Jr, MD
- Why Weight Loss and Lipo Laser Should Be Part of Your Age Management Business by Dr. Kimball Lundahl
- How Beta-Alanine Supplementation Supports Healthy Aging Via Supporting Cognitive Function and Muscle Health by Jay Hoffman, PhD, FNSCA, FACSM
- Compounds Used in BHRT with PDE-5 Inhibitors by Dr. Eugene Shippen and David J. Metayer
- The Most Common Dysfunctions of the Standard American Gut in Chronic Illness by Kiran Krishnan
- Regeneration and Age Management Protocols for Brain Health by Sheldon E. Jordan, MD, FAAN
- Live The Dream: Secrets for Impact, Influence, and Income by Clint Arthur
This session is part of a set that includes the following sessions:
- CBD, THC, and Cannabis Derived Therapies for Age Management Medicine
- Clinical Use of Peptides and Peptide Therapy Part 2
- General Session on Mood Disorders and Hormones, Sexual Health, Supplementation and Cognitive Health, Exosomes and Stem Cells, Genomics and Longevity and Obesity, Thyroid Health, Gut Health and Detoxification
- Getting Started in Age Management: Hormones, Supplements, Diagnosis and Prescribing, Fitness and Exercise, and Legal Compliance
- Practice Management Workshop
All courses above on DigiVision - $649.00 SAVE BIG