43rd COVD General Education Lectures

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FREE LECTURE: Seeing the Light: Syntonics in the Treatment of Acquired Brain Injury by Robert S Fox, OD, FCOVD


  1. A Retrospective Analysis of the Optometric Use of Yoked Prism in Patients with Acquired Brain Injury by Surbhi Bansal, OD
  2. Predicting Binocular Dysfunction with the Convergence Insufficiency Symptom Survey (CISS) by Chris Chase, PhD, FAAO
  3. Parent Responses on a Visual Behavior Questionnaire: A Comparison of Responses for Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder with those of Typically Developing Peers by Rachel A. Stacey Coulter, OD
  4. The Role of Visual Perception and Neuropsychological Functioning in Predicting Actual Game Performance by Dmitri Poltavski, PhD
  5. Simulated 3D Vision: Research, Education, and in Your Office by Dominick Maino, OD, FCOVD
  6. Implications of Stereoscopic 3D Viewing on Ocular Health and Benefits: Recent Development by Shun-Nan Yang, PhD
  7. Experiences with Simulated 3D in Classrooms (Part 1 of 2) by Len Scrogan, BA, MA
  8. Experiences with Simulated 3D in Classrooms (Part 2 of 2) by Len Scrogan, BA, MA
  9. Clinical Implications of Simulated 3D by Leonard J. Press, OD, FCOVD, FAAO
  10. Questions and Answers by Dominick Maino, OD, FCOVD; Shun-Nan Yang, PhD; Len Scrogan, BA, MA; and Leonard J. Press, OD, FCOVD, FAAO
  11. Neuro-Motor Maturity and the Emergence of Vision: A Look at Primitive Reflexes and Their Role in Visual Sensory Motor Development by Patti Andrich, MA, ORT/L, COVT, INPP
  12. Questions and Answers by Patti Andrich, MA, ORT/L, COVT, INPP; Geoffrey A. Heddle, OD; and Tanner Gates, OD
  13. Assessing Vision Through Action by Geoffrey A. Heddle, OD
  14. Questions and Answers by Patti Andrich, MA, ORT/L, COVT, INPP; Geoffrey A. Heddle, OD; and Tanner Gates, OD
  15. Motor and Visual Spatial Application in Vision Therapy by Tanner Gates, OD
  16. Questions and Answers by Patti Andrich, MA, ORT/L, COVT, INPP; Geoffrey A. Heddle, OD; and Tanner Gates, OD
  17. You can Learn a Lot by Asking Questions and Listening by Gary Williams, OD, FCOVD
  18. Treating Spatial Awareness in Patients with Autism by Mary Bartuccio Valentino, OD, FAAO, FCOVD
  19. Presbyopia and Computers: What a Pain in the Neck! by Annie Y. Hao, BS, Senior Optometric Intern at SCO
  20. Research and Vision Care Clinical Pearls by Hannu Laukkanen, OD, MEd, FAAO
  21. The Importance of Numerosity by Curtis Baxstrom, OD, FCOVD
  22. Sports Vision from a Behavioral Point of View by Gary L. Etting, OD, FCOVD
  23. Research on Reading, Vision, and Learning: The Work of Harold Solan and Others by Barry Tannen, OD, FCOVD



23 Lectures, 13.75 hours running time.

    Oral Research Presentations

  1. A Retrospective Analysis of the Optometric Use of Yoked
    Prism in Patients with Acquired Brain Injury Surbhi Bansal, OD
  2. Predicting Binocular Dysfunction with the Convergence
    Insufficiency Symptom Survey (CISS) Chris Chase, PhD, FAAO
  3. Parent Responses on a Visual Behavior Questionnaire: A Comparison of
    Responses for Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder with
    those of Typically Developing Peers Rachel A. "Stacey" Coulter, OD, MS
  4. The Role of Visual Perception and Neuropsychological
    Functioning in Predicting Actual Game Performance Dmitri Poltavski, PhD

    Poster Presentations

  5. Simulated 3D Vision: Research, Education,
    and in Your Office Dominick Maino, OD, FCOVD
  6. Implications of Stereoscopic 3D Viewing on Ocular Health
    and Benefits: Recent Development Shun-Nan Yang, PhD
  7. Experiences with Simulated 3D in Classrooms (Part 1 of 2) Len Scrogan, BA, MA
  8. Experiences with Simulated 3D in Classrooms (Part 2 of 2) Len Scrogan, BA, MA
  9. Clinical Implications of Simulated 3D Leonard J. Press, OD, FCOVD, FAAO
  10. Questions and Answers Dominick Maino, OD, FCOVD; Shun-Nan Yang, PhD;
    Len Scrogan, BA, MA; and Leonard J. Press, OD, FCOVD, FAAO

    Motor Panel Presentations

  11. Neuro-Motor Maturity and the Emergence of Vision: A Look at Primitive Reflexes and
    Their Role in Visual Sensory Motor Development Patti Andrich, MA, ORT/L, COVT, INPP
  12. Questions and Answers Patti Andrich, MA, ORT/L, COVT, INPP;
    Geoffrey A. Heddle, OD; and Tanner Gates, OD
  13. Assessing Vision Through Action Geoffrey A. Heddle, OD
  14. Questions and Answers Patti Andrich, MA, ORT/L, COVT, INPP;
    Geoffrey A. Heddle, OD; and Tanner Gates, OD
  15. Motor and Visual Spatial Application in Vision Therapy Tanner Gates, OD
  16. Questions and Answers Patti Andrich, MA, ORT/L, COVT, INPP;
    Geoffrey A. Heddle, OD; and Tanner Gates, OD

    Clinical Pearls and Case Reports Grand Rounds

  17. You can Learn a Lot by Asking Questions and Listening Gary Williams, OD, FCOVD
  18. Treating Spatial Awareness in Patients with
    Autism Mary Bartuccio Valentino, OD, FAAO, FCOVD
  19. Presbyopia and Computers: What a Pain in the Neck!
    Annie Y. Hao, BS, Senior Optometric Intern at SCO
  20. Research and Vision Care Clinical Pearls Hannu Laukkanen, OD, MEd, FAAO
  21. The Importance of Numerosity Curtis Baxstrom, OD, FCOVD

    Closing Presentations

  22. Sports Vision from a Behavioral Point of View Gary L. Etting, OD, FCOVD
  23. Research on Reading, Vision, and Learning: The Work
    of Harold Solan and Others Barry Tannen, OD, FCOVD

This session is part of a set that includes the following sessions:

  1. 43rd COVD General Education Lectures
  2. Strabismus and Amblyopia by David Cook
  3. Vision Therapy 101 By Tom Headline, COVT and Jennifer Mullen, COVT

All courses above on DigiVision - $499.00 SAVE BIG

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