AMMG 2012 Las Vegas Full Conference Set Title List

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Includes All Four of the Sessions Below
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The General Session - $199 Separately

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28 Lectures, 3 Full Days

01) Estrogen in Men: Good, Bad, or Indifferent? An Evidence-Based Review for Optimal Health - Neal Rouzier, MD
02) The Etiology of Aging is Now Understood - Leonard Hayflick, PhD
03) Busting Medical Myths - Michale J. Barber, MD
04) Genetic Scrutin: Perception of Disorders of Aging - Florence Comite, MD
05) Physician Opportunities in Age Management Medicine - John E. Adams President and CEO, Cenergenics
06) Does Iodine Cause or Prevent / Treat Autoimmune Thyroid Disorders? - David Brownstien, MD
07) Hormones, Cognitive Dysfunction, and Depression in Older Adults - Louis B. Cady, MD
08) The New Advances in Cardiac Regeneration - Stem Cells and Growth Factors and thier
      Relationship to Age Managment Medicine - George C. Shapiro, MD, FACC
09) Beyond Cholesterol: Advanced Lipid Panels in Clinical Practice - Cesar M. Pellerano, MD
10) Genetic Testing: How it all Fits into Clinical Practice - H. Robert Superko, MD, FACC, FAHA,
11) Case Study: A Successful Age Management Practice - Jerry Fortunato, MBA
12) Patient Presentations - Jeffery S. Life, MD, PhD
13) The Effects of A Commercial Age-Management - Ernst R. Von Schwarz, MD, PhD
14) Do Hormones Make You Live Longer or Die Sooner? - Neal Rouzier, MD
15) Rethinking the Hypothalamic - Karlis Ullis, MD and Alan Gurler, MS
16) BioG Micro Tab: Ingredients for Personalized Nutrition and Health - Julian Blumenfeld, MD and Mr. Wolfgang Roehr
17) Vaginal Rejuvenation - Anna Cabeca, DO, FACOG
18) Female Libido, Arousal, and Performance - Jay E. Mattingly, MD
19) Association of Age and Epigenetic Changes with Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity
      Aristo W. Vojdani, PhD, M.Sc, C.L.S.
20) Recent Developments in the Biology of Telomere - Bill Andrews, PhD
21) Unlocking the Secrets of Aging, Telomeres, Telomeres Activation and TA-65
22) The 5 Most Common Workout Injuries - Chris Centeno, MD
23) Current Advances in Orthopedic Sports Medicine and how they can Impact the Aging Athelete
      Jonathan Glashow, MD
24) Detoxification: A Practical Approach - Filomena Trindade, MD, MPH
25) Emerging Concepts in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Hypothyroidism - Kent Holtorf, MD
26) Mesenchymal Stem Cells: Check Slide - Ron Hanson, MD
27) Epigenetics of a Pair of 101 yr old Identical Twins Reared Togther - Steven Coles, MD, PhD
28) 2012 Alan P. Mintz, MD Award - Robert D. Willix Jr., MD

The Aging Brain and Brain Health - $149 Separately

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10 Lectures, 1 Full Day

01) Meditation - Robert Willix Jr., MD
02) Cognitive Enhancement Naturally Part 1 of 2 - Richard P. Brown, MD
03) Cognitive Enhancement Naturally Part 2 of 2 - Richard P. Brown, MD
04) Gender Differences in Aging: Role Transitions and Depression Prevention in Men and Women
      Elisabeth Schramm, PhD
05) Delayin Alzheimer's Disease: A Risk-Factor Reduction Approach - Gayatri Devi, MD, FACP
06) Endothelium Glycocalyx and its Role in the Aging Process - Hans Vink, PhD and Jay Udani, MD
07) Evidence-Based Plan to Slow Cognitive Decline and Enhance Cognitive Function - Steven C. Masley, MD
08) The Role of Sleep and Healthy Brain - Preetam Schraam, PhD, RPSG
09) Oxytocin and the Aging Brain - Jorge Flechas, MD, MPH
10) Healthy Brain Aging: Quantifying and Tracking Change - Gayatri Devi, MD

Incorporating Fitness Programs into Clinical Practice - $149 Separately

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6 Lectures, 1 Full Day

01) Introduction to the Basic Principles of Exercise Physiology - Jeffrey R. Leake, MD
02) Assessing Fitness Levels in the Clinical Setting - Rudy M. Inaba
03) An Exercise Diagnosis and Prescription Model to Address Aging - Joseph F. Signorile, MD
04) Treatment Plan Development: Resistance Training - Jeffery P Leake, MD, CPT
05) Treatment Plan Development: Anaerobic Interval Training - Jeffrey P. Leake, MD, CPT
06) Optimizing Exercise Performance - Edwin Lee, MD, FACE

Practice Management for Age Management Clinicians - $149 Separately

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8 Lectures, 1 Full Day

01) Practice Development for Age Management Medicine - James Powell
02) Compounding: Dosage Forms and Dosing Solutions - Teri Weisenbach, R.Ph.
03) Insurance Issues in Clinical Age Management Practice - John Rush, MD
04) Motivating Unmotivated Patients - Jennifer Zerling, MS, CPT
05) Personalized Laboratory Testing: A Means of Practice Development - Filomena Trindade, MD
06) Building Relationships with AMM Patients - James Powell
07) Legal Issues Related to Marketing and Billing your Services - Jane Pine Wood, Esq
08) How to Incorporate Nutritional Supplements into Your Clinical Practice - Derrick DeSilva Jr, MD