NORA General Session on Sports Vision Performance, Nutrition and Brain Injury, Concussion Care, and TBI

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FREE LECTURE: Hospital In-Patient Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation by Marsha Benshir OD FNORA


  1. Scoring for Success: Charting Tips to Maximize Insurance Reimbursement by Denise Helle, CPOC
  2. Sports Vision Performance Introduction: Enhancing the Athlete's Visual System by Matthew Row, OD, FAAO
  3. The Functional an Nutritional Medicine Approach to Brain Injury: A Focus on Restoring Endocrine Mitochondrial Function by Paul Hrkal, Bkin, ND
  4. An Integrative Approach to Concussion Identification and Treatment by Tanya Polec, OD, FCOVD and Mo Mortazavi, MD
  5. Manual Therapy as a Key Component for Multidisciplinary Concussion Care by Kyla Demers, BSc, CAT(C), DO
  6. Going Beyond Visual Acuity in Visual Rehabilitation: Diagnosis before Prognosis by Patrick Quaid, OD, FCOVD, PhD
  7. The Eyes are Liars: Diagnosis and Management of Optic Symptoms of TBI by Brenda Berge, DAud, F0ADA
  8. The Critical Importance of Optometric Involvement on the Rehab Team by Curtis R. Baxstrom, OD, FCOVD, FNORA, FAAO

This session is part of a set that includes the following sessions:

  1. Differential Diagnosis of Dizziness using Vestibular and Cerebellar Tests by Charles Plishka
  2. NORA General Session on Sports Vision Performance, Nutrition and Brain Injury, Concussion Care, and TBI
  3. Optometric and Physical Therapy Neuro-Rehabilitation to Rectify Body Self by Larry Wallace and Michal Niedzielski
  4. Resiliency Through Reconnections: Reflex Integration Following Brain Injury by Alex Andrich and Patti Andrich
  5. The Importance of a Mind-Eye Connection by Deborah Zelinsky
  6. Visual and Vestibular Dysfunction Following Concussion (mTBI) by Rebecca Bliss and Ashley Reddell

All courses above on DigiVision - $499.00 SAVE BIG

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