NORA 27th Conference on Nutrition and Brain Recovery, Lyme and Visual Processing, and Neuro Optometry

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FREE LECTURE: Hospital In-Patient Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation by Marsha Benshir OD FNORA


  1. Lyme Related Disease and Visual Processing
  2. NORA 27th General Session
  3. Nutrition, Neuroplasticity, and Brain Recovery


Lyme Disease - Leading experts will discuss a multidisciplinary approach and provide case studies regarding the management and rehabilitation of patients diagnosed with Lyme disease

Nutrition - Topics covered include neurobiological, genomic and neuro-immune testing and treatment modalities for traumatic brain injury and neuro-immune syndromes.

General Conference - The NORA General Conference offers up to 14 additional hours of training for optometrists and allied professionals. NORA is committed to encouraging an interdisciplinary team approach among all professionals who provide rehabilitative services to individuals who have suffered a traumatic brain injury and we excited to offer lecturers with different areas of expertise. Titles:

  1. Falling and Freezing in Parkinsons Disease - Gammon Earhart, PhD
  2. Falls Among Community Dwelling Older Adults - Susy Start, PhD
  3. The Role of Gait Analysis, Egocenter, and Yoked Prisms in Parkinsons Disease - Nancy Mackowsky, OD
  4. Fixation Testing and Training in TBI Rehabilitation: New Results from BIVSS Questionaire Test-Retest Study - Hannu Laukkanen, OD
  5. Collaborative Care in Concussion - Patrick Quaid, MCOptom, PhD
  6. Eye Tracking and Neurological Function - Milissa Hunfalvay, PhD
  7. So you want to get Paid? Billing and Coding - Denise Helle, CPOC
  8. Is it Central? Differential Diagnosis of Dizziness - Charles Plishka, PT
  9. Innovative Group Treatment Strategies for Individuals with Persistent Symptoms - Shannon McGuire, BHSc and Becky Moran, OT Reg.
  10. Foundational Movement Skills: Using Primitive Reflexes and Gross Motor Skills to Improve Function - Kacie Monroe, OD

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