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FREE LECTURE: Free AMMG Sample - The Etiology of Aging is Now Understood By Leonard Hayflick
- Using the Glutathione System for Heavy Metal Detoxification by Christopher W Shade, PhD
- The Power of Glutathione by Don Colbert, MD
- Mercury Burden in Canada: Assessment and Intervention for 1500 Oil Field Workers by Joseph E. Pizzorno, ND
- Non-pharmacologic Treatments for the Aging Effects of Substance Abuse by Nancy White, PhD
- Understanding the Unified Biological System for Chemoprotetion/Detoxification and Oxidative Stress Protection by Christopher Shade, PhD
- Toxic Metals as Endocrine Disruptors by Charles Masur, MD
- Heavy Metal Toxicity, Anti-Aging and Chelation Therapy by Karel Hromek, MD
- Toxic Metals: Sources of Exposure: Arsenic, Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, Chromium by Lyn Patrick, ND
- Laboratory Assessment for Toxic Metal Accumulation by Lyn Patrick, ND
- The Role of Glutathione in Metal Related Vascular Disease by Tim Guilford, MD
- Sauna Detoxification of Persistent Pollutants by Stephen J. Genuis, MD
- Age Management Detox Program by Christian J. Renna, DO
- Detoxification: A Scientific Approach (part 1 of 2) by Robert Rountree, MD
- Detoxification: A Scientific Approach (part 2 of 2) by Robert Rountree, MD
- A Comprehensive Introduction to Detoxification (Part 1 and 2) by James Wilson, ND, DC, PhD
- A Comprehensive Introduction to Detoxification (Part 2 and 2) by James Wilson, ND, DC, PhD
- Detoxification of Chemicals and Heavy Metals with Chlorella by Randall Merchant, PhD
- Hormone Deception: Detoxifying the Endocrine Disruptors Naturally by Debra Muth, NP, ND
- Clinical Intervention for Environmental Toxins, Detoxification Methods and Diagnosis for the Anti-Aging Practitioner by Rita Ellithorpe, MD
This session is part of a set that includes the following sessions:
- Growth Hormone
- Inflammation and Autoimmunity Medical Lectures
- Thyroid Hormone Medical Lectures
- Sexual Health For Men and Women Medical Lectures
- Food Sensitivities and Gut Health Medical Lectures
- Medical Weight Loss and Fitness
- Testosterone and Male Hormones Medical Lectures
- Insulin Resistance and Diabetes Medical Lectures
- Non-Toxic Cancer Treatments and Therapies
- Cardiovascular Health Medical Lectures
- Detoxification and Toxicity Medical Lectures
- Brain and Neuro Health Medical Lectures
- Estrogen and Female Hormones Medical Lectures
- Stem Cell and Cell Therapy Medical Lectures
- Nutrition and Supplementation Medical Lectures
All courses above on DigiVision - $994.00 SAVE BIG