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One day workshop, 3 hours running time.
How do you customize your vision therapy program to meet the needs of every patient when ability, cognitive level and personalities are all different?
There are benefits to both standardized and individualized vision therapy programs, this course will bridge the gap and create a meaningful hybrid of the two. This course will teach specifically how to level your therapy program giving extra consideration to those populations which might be called "special cases" such as athletes, patients with special needs and preschoolers. In addition, because both the therapist and the patient have unique personalities, this course will allow the therapist "hands on" personalization of vision therapy techniques taking personality type into consideration.
Learning Objectives
- The therapist will be able to identify each of the four personality types.
- The therapist will be able to apply this knowledge to identify the personality types of themselves, their co-workers and their patients.
- The therapist will evaluate the similarities and differences of both a standardized approach and an individualized approach to vision therapy.
- The therapist will be able to modify a vision therapy program using supports and antagonists.
- The therapist will be able to modify a vision therapy program based on personality types.
- The therapist will be able to modify a vision therapy program for special populations such as athletes, patients with special needs and preschoolers.
- By combining personality, special populations and supports and antagonists, the therapist will provide the best vision therapy care possible.
About Dr. Carole Burns
Dr. Carole Burns is a graduate of The Ohio State University College of Optometry and The State University of New York Pediatric and Vision Therapy Residency. She is a fellow of The College of Optometrists in Vision Development and CEO of Professional VisionCare, a full scope optometric practice with nine practicing optometrists and three locations.
The Solution Center, the newest location, is dedicated to the treatment of pediatric patients and those with special needs. This facility changes lives of children with strabismus, binocular disorders and learning related visual disorders. The Solution Center also provides improved visual function to athletes of all ages and cognitive therapy for those in need.
Dr. Burns is a faculty member at The Ohio State University College of Optometry. She guest lectures in the classroom and she mentors 4th year optometry students in their clinical rotation in the area of pediatrics.
Dr. Burns has served as chairperson of the COVD Assistants to Graduates Committee and the Secretary of The Optometric Educators Committee to COVD. She is a member of the Council on Health Information; an organization comprised of health care professionals in central Ohio.
Dr. Burns is Chief Operating Officer of Mobile America VisionCare, a company that delivers optometric care to nursing facilities statewide.
Dr. Burns lectures nationally to medical professionals, educators, and parents regarding the visual needs of those who with the appropriate visual intervention will perform up to their highest capability. She frequently lectures at the state conventions of occupational and physical therapy professionals. Dr. Burns frequently visits the sports environment, the classroom, rehabilitation center, or other facility that is involved with the care of her patients.
Dr. Burns is co-editor for She lectures nationally for The Management Business Academy and was awarded the Benedict Professorship for Practice Management from the University of Houston in 2011. She is a member of The Association of Practice Management Educators, and she has authored Chapter 29, Specialty Practice in Optometry in "Business Aspects of Optometry", a textbook used by all optometry students.
Dr. Burns is active in her church and has home educated her two sons. She can often be found supporting her sons at chess tournaments or on the golf course. She is married to Dr. Mark Wright who is a professor at The Ohio State University College of Optometry.
About Jessica Stevenson
Jessica Stevenson graduated from Capital University with Presidential Honors in Biology and Chemistry in 1998. She is the Clinical Director of Vision Therapy at Professional VisionCares The Solution Center, where she has been integral part in the developmental of treatment programs for autism, traumatic brain injuries, and athletes. Jessica has a love for the special needs population with her greatest interest in the autism community. In 2001, she received her certification.
Jessi is active in COVD and serves as a mentor in addition to being the Social Committee Chairperson. She has written several articles for VISIONS and her writing has also been featured in vision therapy blogs. In 2013, she was asked to become one of two therapist serving on the Continuing Education Board.
On a local level, Jessi conducts monthly community seminars to continue the awareness of vision therapy. Along with Dr Carole Burns, she has been a featured speaker at several OT/PT conferences. She also is a member of the Ohio RealEyes team which reaches out to schools to educate children about eye health and safety.
In January 2010, Jessi became a marathoner by completing the Walt Disney World Marathon as a part of a Team in Training benefiting the Leukemia Society. Jessi lives in Westerville with her husband Preston and her children, Lincoln and Lola.
This session is part of a set that includes the following sessions:
- 44th COVD General Session
- COVD Acquired Brain Injury By Cathy Stern, OD
- Vision Therapist Education Session by Carole Burns, OD and Jessica Stevens, COVT
- Visionary Team Approach By Nancy Torgerson, OD
All courses above on DigiVision - $499.00 SAVE BIG
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