COVD 2007 Applied Concept Course Robert Sanet, OD - $149.00
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2007 Visual Information Acquisition Applied Concept Course by Carl Hillier on DigiVision :: 2 Full Days
Dr. Sanet is foremost a clinician and this course will be clinically based. The course will cover efficient evaluation procedures to diagnose specific problems in visual information acquisition, educate the patient and/or parent how these relate to symptoms and performance, and demonstrate efficacious therapy technique and how they may be best sequenced to benefit the patient. The course will also provide tips on time saving report writing and good communication with parents, educators and other professionals. The course examines VT orientation, how to get patients engaged in the therapy process, how to increase patient compliance, completion of visits prescribed and ways to determine the overall success of a VT program.
Learning is optimized through an interactive approach and having fun with hands-on demonstrations of effective therapy procedures which also give feedback to patients and parents. If you have not previously taken an Applied Concepts course, we suggest that you start your sequence with Visual Information Acquisition.
About Dr. Robert B. Sanet
Dr. Robert B. Sanet graduated with honors from the Southern California College of Optometry. He has served as President of the College of Optometrists in Vision Development, Chair of the A.O.A. Sports Vision Section, Board of Directors the Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Association, International Clinical Director of the Special Olympics Opening Eyes Program and Adjunct Associate Professor at the Southern California College of Optometry. He has worked with amateur and professional athletes including the USA Men’s and Women’s Olympic Volleyball teams, San Diego Chargers, San Diego Padres, and LPGA Golf Professionals. Dr. Sanet is a sought after lecturer who has presented more than 1,500 hours of continuing education in the USA and 4,000 hours Internationally.
His numerous awards include the San Diego County Optometrist of the Year, G.N. Getman Award for Excellence in Children’s Vision Care, COVD President’s Award, Ralph Barstow International Award. In 1999 Dr. Sanet was named as a Distinguished Practitioner in the National Academies of Practice.
Lecture Series: College of Optometrists in Vision Development
Lecture Year: 2007
Lecture Season:
Sku: COV-071WSS1
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