Lenses, Prisms, and TBI by Robert Fox

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FREE LECTURE: Seeing the Light: Syntonics in the Treatment of Acquired Brain Injury by Robert S Fox, OD, FCOVD


  1. Introduction to Vision and Brain Injury by Robert S. Fox, OD
  2. Brain Injury Diagnosing & Brain Injury Lens Prescribing by Robert S. Fox, OD
  3. Brain Injury Lens Prescribing (cont.) & Vision Therapy for TBI and CVA Patients by Robert S. Fox, OD
  4. Vision Therapy for TBI and CVA Patients (cont.) by Robert S. Fox, OD
  5. Lenses and Prisms in the Therapy Room by Robert S. Fox, OD
  6. Using Visual Fields Testing for TBI and CVA Patients by Robert S. Fox, OD
  7. Rehabilitative TBI Vision Care in the Acute Care Setting by Robert S. Fox, OD
  8. Syntonic Phototherapy: Basics and Use in TBI Treatment (Part 1 of 2) by Robert S. Fox, OD
  9. Syntonic Phototherapy: Basics and Use in TBI Treatment (Part 2 of 2) by Robert S. Fox, OD


Day one of this intensive, clinically-based course will cover basic neuro-anatomy, brain anatomy, and the role of the autonomic nervous system. The role of the optometrist in the interdisciplinary area of brain injury treatment will be emphasized. The examination of the TBI patient will take up most of this day. Prescribing of lenses, prisms, and filters for TBI patients is an area unique to optometry. As a results time will be devoted to examination techniques that have a high yield of information. Hands-on time will be devoted to testing and treatment procedures.

Day two will include a close up look at visual field testing as well as ramifications of field loss such as visual neglect. The use of prisms, filters, lenses, and selective occlusion will be emphasized. Vision therapy techniques aimed at improving peripheral awareness and compensating for visual field loss are also an important part of the optometrists tool box. The need for complementary procedures, such as optometric phototherapy (syntonics) will also be a part of this discussion. The role of the optometrist in the rehabilitation/acute care setting will also be a part of this course.

This session is part of a set that includes the following sessions:

  1. Vision Therapy 301 by Tom Headline and Julie Petteruto
  2. Lenses, Prisms, and TBI by Robert Fox
  3. COVD Vision Therapists Track
  4. COVD General Education Track

All courses above on DigiVision - $899.00 SAVE BIG

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