AMMG 2012 Las Vegas The Aging Brain and Brain Health on DigiVision - $149.00
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Free DigiVision Lecture: The Etiology of Aging is Now Understood By Leonard Hayflick, PhD (Works best with Windows Internet Explorer or Mac Safari)
10 Lectures, 1 Full Day
- Meditation - Robert Willix Jr., MD
- Cognitive Enhancement Naturally Part 1 of 2 - Richard P. Brown, MD
- Cognitive Enhancement Naturally Part 2 of 2 - Richard P. Brown, MD
- Gender Differences in Aging: Role Transitions and Depression Prevention in Men and Women Elisabeth Schramm, PhD
- Delayin Alzheimer's Disease: A Risk-Factor Reduction Approach - Gayatri Devi, MD, FACP
- Endothelium Glycocalyx and its Role in the Aging Process - Hans Vink, PhD and Jay Udani, MD
- Evidence-Based Plan to Slow Cognitive Decline and Enhance Cognitive Function - Steven C. Masley, MD
- The Role of Sleep and Healthy Brain - Preetam Schraam, PhD, RPSG
- Oxytocin and the Aging Brain - Jorge Flechas, MD, MPH
- Healthy Brain Aging: Quantifying and Tracking Change - Gayatri Devi, MD
Lecture Series: Age Management Medicine Group
Lecture Year: 2012
Sku: AMG-122ss1
This conference set includes Three sessions Plus the above session:
Includes the Above Session and Three Others Only $399 Over 40% Savings
The General Session - $199 Separately
Incorporating Fitness Programs into Clinical Practice - $149 Separately
Practice Management for Age Management Clinicians - $149 Separately