Testosterone and Male Hormones Medical Lectures

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  1. Testosterone: Low Testosterone in Men or Andropause and How Optimization can Improve Quality of Life and Reduce Risks of Disease by Ron Rothenberg, MD
  2. Testosterone and Prostate Cancer: A Conceptual Revolution by Abraham Morgentaler, MD
  3. Hormone Myths vs. Medical Evidence by Ron Rothenberg, MD
  4. Testosterone Pellet Implementation by Stephen Center, MD
  5. Testosterone Therapy in Australia by Michael Buckley, MD
  6. Testosterone and Diabetes by Edward S. Goldberg, MD
  7. Retrospective Study: Androgen Deficient Men by Ernst R. von Schwarz, MD, PhD
  8. Testosterone and Prostate Cancer Patients: New Issues with PSA by Paul Thompson, MD
  9. The Use of Testosterone and Prostate Cancer by James F. Devanney, MD
  10. Testosterone Replacement by John Crisler, DO
  11. The Use of Testosterone in Women by Rebecca L. Glaser, MD
  12. Beyond Testosterone: Progesterone for Men: Youth's Best Kept Secret by Jay H. Mead, MD, FASCP
  13. Testosterone: Diagnosis, Evaluation, Treatment by Jonathan Wright, MD
  14. Progesterone used in Men by Thierry Hertoghe, MD
  15. Testosterone Hyper Aromatization by Johnathan V. Wright, MD
  16. Male Hormone Restoration by Alicia Stanton, MD
  17. Testosterone: Three Myths and One Important Truth by Abraham Morgentaler, MD
  18. Long Term Use of Testosterone: Balancing the Risks and Rewards in Patients With Cardiovascular Disease, BPH, and Prostate Cancer by Kenneth Janson, MD, FACS

This session is part of a set that includes the following sessions:

  1. Growth Hormone
  2. Inflammation and Autoimmunity Medical Lectures
  3. Thyroid Hormone Medical Lectures
  4. Sexual Health For Men and Women Medical Lectures
  5. Food Sensitivities and Gut Health Medical Lectures
  6. Medical Weight Loss and Fitness
  7. Testosterone and Male Hormones Medical Lectures
  8. Insulin Resistance and Diabetes Medical Lectures
  9. Non-Toxic Cancer Treatments and Therapies
  10. Cardiovascular Health Medical Lectures
  11. Detoxification and Toxicity Medical Lectures
  12. Brain and Neuro Health Medical Lectures
  13. Estrogen and Female Hormones Medical Lectures
  14. Stem Cell and Cell Therapy Medical Lectures
  15. Nutrition and Supplementation Medical Lectures

All courses above on DigiVision - $994.00 SAVE BIG

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