Now on DigiVision - $199.00
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FREE LECTURE: Free AMMG Sample - The Etiology of Aging is Now Understood By Leonard Hayflick
- PDO Thread Lifting by H. William Song, MD
- Aesthetic Treatment Protocols for the Treatment of Rosacea by Marie Piantino, LE
- Body Contouring including Different Techniques Freeze/Melt/Lipo and Combining Treatments by H. William Song, MD
- Reversing The Aging Face: Use of IGF-1 Growth Hormone, Melatonin and Thyroid Gels, Lotions, Sprays and Sublinguals by Richard Lippman, MD
- Acne and Inflammatory and Non-Inflammatory Lesions: Causes and Solutions by Sheila Malmanis, LE
- Amniotic Fluid: A New Breakthrough in Aesthetic Medicine by Bertica M. Rubio, MD
- Acoustic Wave Therapy by H. William Song, MD
- Skin Exfoliation: Physical and Machine - LIVE DEMO by Marie Piantino, LE
- Hair Restoration: Treating the Scalp by Bertica M. Rubio, MD
In response to attendee requests for information on aesthetic protocols and treatments which are office based and can be done by non-board certified Age Management Clinicians either full time or as an adjunct to their existing practice, AMMG presents this track in conjunction with the Advanced Aesthetic Education Group. The decision not to accredit this track was made so that attendees could be provided with business tools as well as the science and medical information necessary to implement these procedures. The goal is not to make this track commercial but to give speakers in this niche area the leverage to openly discuss procedures and answer questions that could be severely restricted in an accredited environment.
This session is part of a set that includes the following sessions:
- AMMG General Session on Prostate Cancer, Breast Cancer, Precision Medicine, The Microbiome, Inflammation, Advanced Endocrinology, and Clinical Case Reviews
- Clinical Use of Peptides and Peptide Therapy Part 1
- Novel Clinical Interventions in Age Management Medicine
- Office Based Aesthetics for the Age Management Clinician
All courses above on DigiVision - $699.00 SAVE BIG