Age Management Medicine General Session

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FREE LECTURE: Free AMMG Sample - The Etiology of Aging is Now Understood By Leonard Hayflick

There are FOUR parts in this conference set:

  1. AMMG General Session - $249.00
  2. Core Issues in Hormone Modulation for the Age Management Clinician - $199.00
  3. Advanced Case Studies and Discussion in Age Management Medicine - $199.00
  4. Office Based Aesthetics for the Age Management Clinician - $199.00


  1. Cardiovascular Genomics: Is the Future of Cardiac Care Finally Here? George C. Shapiro, MD, FACC
  2. Presentation of the Alan P. Mintz, MD Award for Clinical Excellence Jeffrey P. Leake, MD
  3. Management of Atrial Fibrillation in 2015: Why Age Matters Win-Kuang Shen, MD
  4. Mitochondrial Agents in Cardiovascular Disease Derrick M. DeSilva, Jr, MD
  5. The Relationship Between Heart-Brain Dynamics, Coherence, Optimal Health and Cognitive Function Rollin McCraty, PhD
  6. Controversies About the Cholesterol Guidelines: Population vs Personalized Therapy Ernst J. Schaefer, MD
  7. Hormones and Cardiovascular Disease Gary Donovitz, MD, FACOG, FRSM
  8. Oral Pathogens and Coronary Heart Disease Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD
  9. Erectile Dysfunction is Endothelial Dysfunction: Understanding the Symptoms that Lead to Heart Disease Nathan S. Bryan, PhD
  10. Latest Advances in Lipid Testing and Inflammatory Markers Cesar M. Pellarano, MD
  11. The Practical Deployment of Precision Medicine Robert J. Hariri, MD, PhD
  12. Clinical Strategies to Implement Precision Medicine in an Age Management Practice Florence Comite, MD
  13. Demystifying Liquid Biopsies: How Cutting-edge Diagnostics are Generating New Insights for Therapy Selection and Resistance Monitoring in Cancer Murali Prahalad, PhD
  14. The Latest in Cancer Screening Edwin N. Lee, MD, FACE & D. James Morre, PhD
  15. Clinical and Translational Pharmacogenomics Joseph P. Kitzmiller, MD, PhD
  16. Genetic Screening: A Tool for Better Health With Age Matthew Pratt-Hyatt, PhD
  17. Nutrigenomics: Reshaping the Nutrition Landscape Christine Houghton, BSc, DC, RNutr, PhD Candidate
  18. Precision Medicine: The Role of Individualizing Recommendations for a Nutritional and Detoxification Program Sangeeta Pati, MD, FACOG
  19. Molecular Hydrogen: Therapeutic and Medical Applications Tyler W. LeBaron
  20. Stem Cell Therapy for Cardiovascular Disease, Initial Results in CHF and PAD Ernst R. Schwarz, MD, PhD
  21. Methods and Case Studies of Longevity and Optimization of Health in an Integrative Internal Medicine Practice Dushyant Viswanathan, MD, ABIM, ABIHM
  22. The Conventional Model: Methods in Longevity and Optimization of Health Bhavesh K. Patel, MD
  23. Questions and Answers: Compare and Contrast Integrative and Conventional Models of Age Management Medicine Dushyant Viswanathan, MD, ABIM, ABIHM & Bhavesh K. Patel, MD
  24. Stem Cells as Possible Treatment for ED in the Setting of Radical Prostatectomy and Radiation and Diabetes: Understanding of the Technique for Intracavernosal Injection with Stem Cells Carlos Mercado, MD
  25. Preview of the AMMG Spring 2016 Track: Understanding Your Genome - Integrating Genomics Into Your Practice Florence Comite, MD & Erica Ramos, MS, LCGC, Sr. Staff Genetic Counselor, UYG Program, Illumina
  26. Telomere Biology Workshop: Pearls from 7 Years of Monitoring Patients on TA-65® Joseph M. Raffaele, MD
  27. How to Build A Strong Age Management Business by Implementing Medical Weight Loss Into Your Practice Kimball Lundahl, DC, VP of Business Development
  28. Physician Training and Certification in Age Management Medicine: Essential Qualifications and Knowledge for the Age Management Medicine Physician Jeffrey P. Leake, MD
  29. Optimizing the Legal Use of Growth Hormone Mark L. Gordon, MD
  30. Sub-Cutaneous Hormone Pellet Therapy: Alternative Medicine or an Alternative to Bad Medicine Gary S. Donovitz, MD
  31. Physicians Liability Insurance in the Specialty of Age Management Medicine: Are you paying too much? John Rush, MD, FACEP, MBA, MHA

All courses above on DigiVision - $499.00 SAVE BIG

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