Now on DigiVision - $199.00
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DigiVision media is a full experience presentation. It Plays in Your Computer on a USB or via online streaming and is User Friendly. You will see and hear the speaker and the slides at the same time. It allows you to Review the Slides at Your Pace by adjusting the play speed or advance based on slide number. You can also Save and Print the Slides. The most amazing feature is that you can Word Search the Entire Presentation, allowing you to find the information you need quickly. It Is Just Like Being At The Show!
- A STROKE of Fortune Found in the Vision Therapy Room by Brenda Montecalvo, OD, FCOVD and Holly Harlow, COVT
Optometric vision therapy is a powerful tool used to help stroke patients regain lost skills. Learn how to design and implement an effective program to provide high yield outcomes. An exciting hands-on workshop, designed for the therapist/doctor to gain confidence when working with stroke patients. Discover how to help change more lives in the therapy room so you can make a difference and reduce the struggle and frustration faced by stoke victims. - Let"s Get Down to STRABusiness! by Nancy Torgerson, OD, FCOVD and Mandi Shafer, COVT
Get your growth mindset in gear as we start with the fundamentals of ABC (learning a safe approach when working with patients with anomalous binocular correspondence), learn the ups and downs of treating with patients with vertical challenges and the ins and outs of patients with exotropia and esotropia. A fun and dynamic workshop geared toward active vision therapist/doctor/patient care TEAM members learning through patient stories, hands-on discovery and interaction. The goal is to help end the senseless struggle and misinformation about the joys and challenges of people with strabismus.
This session is part of a set that includes the following sessions:
- Bridging Developmental Principles and Neurology of the Visual System for Better Patient Outcomes by Curtis Baxstrom, OD, and Jason Clopton, OD
- COVD General Session: Training for the optometric practitioner
- COVD Practice Management Education: Insurance and Practice Growth
- How to Incorporate Vision Therapy into a General Practice and PLAN for Success by Wanda Vaughn, OD
- Vision and Learning with a Perceptual Emphasis by Lynn Hellerstein, OD and Nancy Torgerson, OD
- Vision Therapist Education: Treating Stroke and Strabismus Patients
All courses above on DigiVision - $1,299.00 SAVE BIG
The COVD Library Membership
The COVD Library Membership gives you access to the entire COVD Video Library*. The entire library is immediately available to you when you sign up, and new content is automatically added to your account as it becomes available. Maintain your membership and always have the most up-to-date COVD content and the massive archive library at your finger tips. Opt for the Premium tier and always have your COVD library on USB even if you cancel. Annually paid memberships include a 1st year new membership fee plus the annual membership maintenance fee. Every year after that is only the membership maintenance fee.
Basic$119 /mo
Premium$549 /yr
Standard$499 /yr
* The "COVD Library" is a collection of videos from COVD. Click here for exact information.