Now on DigiVision - $199.00
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DigiVision media is a full experience presentation. It Plays in Your Computer on a USB or via online streaming and is User Friendly. You will see and hear the speaker and the slides at the same time. It allows you to Review the Slides at Your Pace by adjusting the play speed or advance based on slide number. You can also Save and Print the Slides. The most amazing feature is that you can Word Search the Entire Presentation, allowing you to find the information you need quickly. It Is Just Like Being At The Show!
FREE LECTURE: Free AMMG Sample - The Etiology of Aging is Now Understood By Leonard Hayflick
There are FOUR parts in this conference set:
- AMMG General Session - $249.00
- Core Issues in Hormone Modulation for the Age Management Clinician - $199.00
- Advanced Case Studies and Discussion in Age Management Medicine - $199.00
- Office Based Aesthetics for the Age Management Clinician - $199.00
- Adrenal Fatigue, DHEA, DHEAS and Hormone Replacement Therapy James L. Wilson, ND, DC, PhD
- The Nuts and Bolts of Testosterone Replacement Therapy Rob Kominiarek, DO, FACOFP
- Everything That You Should Know About Treating Insulin Resistance With HRT But Don't Neal Rouzier, MD
- Nuts and Bolts in Thyroid Management Edwin N. Lee, MD, FACE
- The Ins and Outs of Estrogen in Women Sangeeta Pati, MD, FACOG
- Brain Effects of Progesterone (and its Metabolites Pregnenolone and Allopregnanolone) and Melatonin Angeli Maun Akey, MD, FACP
- Update on Growth Hormone 2015 Mark L. Gordon, MD
- Hormone Case Studies with Questions and Answers Edwin N. Lee, MD, FACE; Rob Kominiarek, DO, FACOFP; and Sangeeta Pati, MD, FACOG
All courses above on DigiVision - $499.00 SAVE BIG
Get the Staff Training you need.
The Age Management Professional Library is available at an amazing price. 3 Entire AMMG conferences for the price of two. Only $898.00. Includes this current conference set, plus the previous two.