DigiVision has a wide variety of features for you to use and enhance your learning experience.

  1. Slides and Speaker are Always Synchronized
  2. Next Slide and Previous Slide
  3. Select a Slide from Thumbnails
  4. Jump to a Slide Number
  5. Search the Text of Every Slide
  6. Save or Print Slides
  7. Increase of Decrease Playback Speed
  8. Change the Layout
  9. Use Resources (Download Mp3)

Slides and Speaker are Always Synchronized

No matter what functions you use, no matter if you pause the video of the speaker or scan the video with the slider, the slides and the speaker are always synchronized. As the video plays the slides will advance automatically and if you jump to a different slide the video will jump to the correct time. This way you always see the same slide that the original audience saw when the speaker is speaking.

Next Slide and Previous Slide

You can advance or reverse the slides one slide at a time. Simply click "Previous Slide" or "Next Slide" above the slide or hover to the right or left of the slide until the arrow appears then click it. The slide will advance or reverse and the video will automatically advance or reverse too.

Select a Slide from Thumbnails

Below the slides and the video there are the slide thumbnails. The current slide is always greyed out. Hover over the thubnails to see what the slide numbers and the time in the video that the slide appears. You can scroll left and right to see all the thumbnails. Simply click on one of the thumbnails to view the slide. The lecture will jump to that slide.

Jump to a Slide Number

When you hover over the bottom center of the current slide the current slide number pops up. It tell you your current slide and how many total slides there are. In the example below it is on slide number 5 out of 20 total slides. You can also jump to any slide by number. Simply enter the slide number in the form then click the buttom or push enter on your keyboard.

Search the Text of Every Slide

Clearly, one of the most powerful features of DigiVision is the ability to search the text of every slide. Click search above the video to start a search. The search form pops up. You can click close in the top right of the form to cancel the search. To make a search enter the term in the search form then click the search button or enter on your keyboard. All the slides with that word in it will be listed in order of appearence. The text of the slide is listed on the left and the thumbnail of the slide is shown on the right. Click on the slide to jump the lecture to that slide. As always, the video will jump to the correct location too. To make a new search just enter a new term in the search form. You can alternatively search the DigiVisionMedia.com web site. Enter the term as usual, but before you click the search button click the circle radio button next to "DigiVisionMedia.com". The search form will open a new window and will search the DigiVisionMedia.com site for the term you entered.

Save or Print Slides

You can save or print any of the slides from a DigiVision lecture as an image file (usually a j-peg image). To save a slide right click anywhere on the slide then select "Save image as..." The wording may be slightly different on various computers. When you click save the default save file dialog pops up; you can then rename the the file and select any location on your computer to save the file. See Print or Save Slides from a DigiVision Lecture for more detailed directions.

Increase or Decrease Playback Speed

To increase or decrease the playback speed click "Play Speed" above the video. The play speed pop up comes up. Click close above the top right corner to remove it. Click the decrease and increase buttons to change the play speed accordingly. Click normal speed in the center to reset the play speed to 1X normal speed. You can decrease the speed to 0.5X or increase it as high as 2X.

Change the Layout

Sometimes when viewing a lecture you want to see the speaker better or the slides better. You can change the basic layout to three options: 1) The speaker is big and the slides are small. 2) The slides are big and the speaker is small. 3) Both the slides and the speaker are big. The images below show how they look. Click "Layout" above the video to change the layout.

Use Resources (Download Mp3)

Every DigiVision Lecture has resources that you can use. These typically include any Mp3 file that you can save to your computer to listen on the go and links to the conference organizer web site, DigiVision web site and specials. By default the resources are in the info box below the video. Just click on them to view them. If the link says "Right click" it means that it is a file that you can save to your computer. Right click on it then select save to save the file to your computer.