Brain Snap: Exploring the Visual Consequences of Concussion featuring Neera Kapoor

This workshop is brought to you by the Australasian College of Behavioural Optometry

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FREE LECTURE: Seeing the Light: Syntonics in the Treatment of Acquired Brain Injury by Robert S Fox, OD, FCOVD


Speaker and Title List

  1. Using Virtual Reality to Treat Binocular Vision Disorders - Kelin Kushin
  2. Concussion, Mild TBI and Vision - Neera Kapoor
  3. Stroke and Vision - Neera Kapoor
  4. Primary Eye Care for those with ABI - Neera Kapoor
  5. Accommodation Dysfunction in Concussion - Steve Leslie
  6. Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Approaches for ABI - Neera Kapoor
  7. Working with Visual Sequelae in Patients with mABI - Evan Brown
  8. Grand Rounds Presentations and Cases - Neera Kapoor
  9. Photophobia in Acquired Brain Injury - Steve Leslie
  10. Management of Visual-Vestibular Conditions - Neera Kapoor

Dr Neera Kapoor is one of the most respected optometrists working in and researching the visual effects of concussion and head injury. She was on faculty at the State University of New York (SUNY) for many years working with other pioneers of neuro-rehabilitative optometry, including Drs Irwin Suchoff and Allen Cohen, and she currently practises in a multidiscplinary physical medicine and rehabilitation office in New York. Her list of publications in this field is lengthy and impressive, and she is an excellent presenter of the science and practice of optometric care of people who have visual symptoms and dysfunctions caused by concussion.
