AMMG 2012 Spring Full Conference Set on DigiVision - $399.00
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54 Lectures, 6 Full Days
Age Management Medicine stands at the forefront of 21st century medicine, incorporating proactive, preventive protocols that optimize health, restore endocrine balance, delay the indicators of aging and prevent premature disability and death. As a result, patients enjoy a higher quality of life, enhanced sense of well-being and a longer health span. Trained Age Management Medicine physicians incorporate accepted markers for disease risk, implementing efficacious protocols as well as testing and assessment methodologies for early intervention practices.
AMMG’s comprehensive Spring 2012 conference agenda will expand the track on Stem Cells that we began last year and present clinically focused sessions and interactive panel discussions with experts to introduce and up-date physicians on the latest science-based clinical information, emerging modalities and advanced techniques needed to implement age management medicine in a new or existing practice. The curriculum will focus on lifestyle issues, physiological and biomedical conditions, diseases associated with aging—those greatly impacting the patient population and most often confronting physicians during an Age Management Medicine evaluation process — as well as methods for developing personalized treatment programs.
This conference set includes three sessions:
The General Session - $199 Separately
Hormonal Strategies for Optimal Aging - $149 Separately
Nutrient Strategies for Optimal Aging - $149 Separately
Regenerative Medicine Using Autologous Stem Cells - $149 Separately
Includes All Four of the Above Sessions Save Nearly 50% Only $399
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Lecture Series: Age Management Medicine Group
Lecture Year: 2012
Lecture Season: Spring
Sku: AMG-121