Now on DigiVision - $249.00
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DigiVision media is a full experience presentation. It Plays in Your Computer on a USB or via online streaming and is User Friendly. You will see and hear the speaker and the slides at the same time. It allows you to Review the Slides at Your Pace by adjusting the play speed or advance based on slide number. You can also Save and Print the Slides. The most amazing feature is that you can Word Search the Entire Presentation, allowing you to find the information you need quickly. It Is Just Like Being At The Show!
FREE LECTURE: Free ACAM Lecture on Cancer by Thomas Seyfried:
- Diabetes: The Nutrigenomics Connection by Jeffrey Bland, PhD
- Environmental Diabesogens by Ted Schettler, MD, MPH
- Diagnosis and Reversal of Type 2 Diabetes by Jonathan V. Wright, MD
- Can Diabetes be Prevented with Vitamin D by John Cannell, MD
- Expert Panel by John Cannell, MD; Jonathan V. Wright, MD; Ted Schettler, MD; and Jeffery Bland, PhD
- The Naturopathic Treatment of Diabetes by Mona Morstein, ND
- A General Doctor's Experiences with a Low Fat Diet and Diabetes by John McDougall, MD
- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) by Marianne Marchese, ND
- Preventing Amputations and Repairing Diabetic Wounds by Ken Stoller, MD
- Expert Panel by Ken Stoller, MD; Marianne Marchese, ND; Mona Morstein, ND; and John McDougall, MD
- Sauna Detoxification of Persistent Pollutants by Stephen J. Genuis, MD
- Testosterone and Diabetes by Edward S. Goldberg, MD
- The Case Against Water Fluoridation by Paul Connett, PhD
- Niacinamide: Its effect on Osteoarthritis, Serum Lipids, and Metabolic Syndrome by John Sherman, ND
- Expert Panel by Stephen Genius, MD; Paul Connett, PhD; and John Sherman, ND
This session is part of a set that includes the following sessions:
- Chelation Therapy Workshop
- Diabetes: An Emerging Epidemic - ACAM General Session
- IV Nutrient Therapies Workshop
All courses above on DigiVision - $599.00 SAVE BIG