Insta-Tapes Digital Media is the world's leading provider of rich media content through DiGiVision. DiGiVision is superior to all other playback media types because it captures the speaker on video and it also captures the very slides that the speaker was presenting. It Plays in Your Computer on a disc (without the Internet) and is User Friendly. You will see and hear the speaker and at the same time the slides advance automatically. It allows you to Review the Slides at Your Pace by adjusting the play speed anywhere from half speed to double speed. You can also Save the Slides as a Picture. The most amazing feature is that you can Word Search the Entire Presentation.
It Is Just Like Being At The Show!
There are so many spectacular features that you have to see it to truly understand how amazing it is.
Please click the title lecture below to see an online presentation captured in DiGiVision.
Building Your Age Management Practice - John Adams, CPA
As a prospective customer you do not need to be connected to the internet to view DiGiVision. Any set you purchase would be shipped to you on a disc and would respond almost instantly compared to the online sample. You would then place the disc into your computer to view the lectures. Please browse the site by using the Quick Links to the left to see what Insta-Tapes can offer to you. Or if you have questions contact us.
As a presenter whose lecture(s) was previously captured with Insta-Tapes DiGiVision you may contact us about hosting your lecture(s) on the Internet. For a small monthly, semi-annual, or annual fee Insta-Tapes will upload your lecture to the Internet for however long you want. You may then direct traffic from your own website to that lecture. As a medical doctor you can educate every one of your patients and never have to speak once. As a conference organizer currently enjoying DiGiVision you can raise awareness of your group and build conference attendance. There are infinite possibilities.
As a conference organizer you will be pleased to know that Insta-Tapes Digital Media is very happy to capture new conferences. We offer two contract types. The traditional contract states that the cost for the DiGiVision set is added to the registration fee for the attendees. Insta-Tapes then sends a set to every attendee for a predetermined rate. The alternative contract states that the organization provides a sales booth to Insta-Tapes, from which, Insta-Tapes attempts to sell individual DiGiVision sets to any conference attendees who are interested. The conference organizer is then paid a royalty on those sales. Each contract type has its own set of pros and cons. If you are interested in capturing your next conference with the Power of DiGiVision contact us and we will work something out.