DiGiVision is truly revolutionary. It is superior to all other playback media types because it captures the speaker on video and it also captures the very slides that the speaker was presenting. It Plays in a Computer on a disc (without the Internet) and is User Friendly. You see and hear the speaker, and at the same time the slides advance automatically. It allows you to Review the Slides at Your Pace by adjusting the play speed anywhere from half speed to double speed. You can also Save the Slides as a Picture. The most amazing feature is that you can Word Search the Entire Presentation.
It Is Just Like Being At The Show!
Since 1972 Insta-Tapes Digital Media has been the world's leading provider for capturing conferences, seminars, and training courses in the best format available. When reel to reel gave way to audio tape cassettes Insta-Tapes was right there capturing lectures with the best that technology could offer. As the years passed the technology playback standard moved through audio cd's, video cassettes, and dvd's, and Insta-Tapes was again at the foreground providing conference attendees with the best there was. Now with computer technology, Insta-Tapes still lives up to its reputation and brings you DiGiVision. DiGiVision is so incredible that it is hard to imagine what this technological age will bring next, but you have the Insta-Tapes promise that we will be there leading the charge.