Latest Advances of Ozone Therapy in Cuba - Silvia Menendez Cepero, MD

Good morning. First of all I want to thank the camp for this invitation, and also to doctor Owen for his friendship. I am very happy to be here sharing my experience with all of you. I will speak about ozone mechanism fractions, and also I will show you some preclinical and clinical trial that we have performed in this more than twenty-eight years. First of all we have to say that ozone is a powerful oxidant. It has the strongest reactivity, and for that reason it has been created a dogma that ozone is toxic to be used in medicine, it has been prescribed. But however, since the first years of the last century we have reports of the...

Emerging Technology in Personalized Genomics - Robert Hariri, MD, PhD

Thanks very much. It’s an honor to be here, especially in light of the very, very moving and inspiring presentation of the Mintz award. As someone who has found his way into the field of age management and longevity, I can tell you that your colleagues in both the basic science arena as well as in the field of surgical medicine actually envy what you do, and so it’s nice to see that you even have pathologists interested in part-taking at some of these sessions. If you can change pathologists, you’ve really made a big difference. So, I’ve got a little bit of surprise for you, some of you may appreciate it, I’m actually not a genomics guy who’s gonna...