The spring gammut of conferences is approaching quickly, and DigiVision Media has a nice lineup of new material that will bolster your practice and personal knowledge in a powerful way. Here is the lineup in chronological order: Academy of Regenerative Practices Winter Stem Cells Training Seminar - Feb 6 - Feb 7 in Fort Lauderdale, FL Boston BioLife Hands-On Stem Cell Therapies and Biologics for the Clinical Application of Pain Management - Mar 19 - Mar 20 - Washington DC IV Nutrition Seminar featuring Mitchel Ghen by Central Drugs - Apr 1 - Apr 2 - Los Angeles, CA College of Optometrists in Vision Developement Annual Meeting - Apr 12 - Apr 16 - St. Louis, MO AMMG 20th Clinical...
Very good morning to everyone, welcome to Las Vegas. As everyone’s getting settled in, I’ll start with some easy slides first. This meeting is sponsored by Medcrest [phonetic] pharmacy, which to you thank for sponsoring this event. And this morning I am going to talk about some of the miss in hormone replacement. The most important part of my lecture will be the last thirty minutes, and I will sort of set the stage during the first fifteen minutes as to what I am going to get to in the last fifteen minutes. So, this morning’s lecture is going to be more a lesson on the lines of laboratory tests, and how we misinterpret laboratory test, and as result of...
Ok, as Deane said, this is a non-SME course, originally I thought it was going to be SME, but when I got my slides I decided that it’s better not to be SME. I think in part because the ideas are very controversial and they may not be in tune with consensus medicine, which is supposed to be what SME is supposed to do. So anyway, I didn’t make that decision, it was made by the consultants for the SME. Another thing, I will be referring to a number of books on my slides as well as on websites and some other items and they are on the slides and you have that in your flash drive you got when...