Thank you very much! I’ll be the last lecture on immunity so I guess I’ll be the last word on it, so I’ll try to make this presentation extra special. It’s going to be quite controversial, I’ll tell you in advance. My background’s electrical engineering, it is not medicine. I got in the field because my wife became diabetic doing everything right, type 1 in her thirties, so I spend a lot of time with Houston Academy of Medicine. I live in Houston, Texas, we have the biggest cancer center in the world. They were nice enough to let me use their medical library. So, after five years of physiology and biochemistry studying, it was my goodness or being told almost a 180 degrees opposite from the physiology and biochemistry of what they do. So I am going to give you a lot of science, I am going to go relatively fast. How many of you here are familiar with my work? Writing in the journal articles… Okay, good amount. Excellent.
It doesn’t make how smart you are, who made the gas or what its name is. This disagrees with real-life results - it is wrong. It’s all there is to it. Nobel Prize winner Richard Feynman, more medical researchers should be forced to read that about a thousand times. Now the big one: belief in that understanding is stupidity. Near generalized statements without sharp, specific conclusions are meaningless. The end of all these journal articles typically ends up on particular with fish oil. We don’t know metabolic pathways that got this result. Well, that is not acceptable, you better know the metabolic pathways.
I hate when physicians get mislead, because it happens all the time. Studies aren’t science. Everybody I’m talking to, including the medical students, act like there’s no physiology and no biochemistry. And it’s like we need a study to show us where to go. No! Studies should be used to confirm the established physiology and biochemistry. As far as MIT engineering, one of the first rules is you should always have an idea where things are going. If I throw something off the roof of hotel, I know it’s gonna hit the ground, and not go off to the sun. I would predict that. So, you can say: “Oh, that’s a bias.” And that’s fine in science, there’s always a bias. You just have to be truthful if your bias fails and it didn’t come out the way you thought. You have to tell people that. That’s what happened in fish oil. I specialize in essential fatty acids to return the parent oils.
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